Producing Electricity from Potatoes (PROJECT)
Producing Electricity from Potatoes (PROJECT) A primary voltaic cell makes use of a dilute solution of sulphuric acid in which one plate each of copper and zinc is dipped. The electricity in this cell is produced due to the migration of electrons from the zinc plate to copper plate in the dilute sulphuric acid solution. In fact, dilute sulphuric acid provides the path for the movement of electrons. in a similar way, potatoes act like the solution of dilute sulphuric acid between the copper and zinc strips which are used for producing electricity from potatoes. Fonts For Facebook Generate cool and stylish fancy fonts for your Facebook account and Facebook Fonts you can use in all social media platform Fonts For FB You Require:- 8 medium-sized potatoes 8 strips of copper 5 cm x 1cm 8 strips of zinc 5 cm x 1cm Copper wire One 5 volt bulb with holder Producing Electricity from Potatoes What To Do Take 8 medi...